DNR Helps Michiganders Hunt Morel Mushrooms [Map]
Map provides potential morel mushroom hunting locations.

Photo credit: Courtesy of The Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Michigan mushroom hunters now have a helpful tool to find the tasty morsels. The state Department of Natural Resources is producing a map that highlights burned areas in public lands.
Spokesperson Paul Kollmeyer says wildfires and prescribed burns create rich environments for morel mushroom growth.
“It really becomes a nutrient dump of sorts. It’s like fertilizing the soil. With that rapid decomposing of that vegetative layer it makes sense that if you’re basically putting fertilizer into the soil, things are going to grow better.”
Paul Kollmeyer, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Kollmeyer says it’s easier to discover the hard-to-find mushrooms in charred foliage. He says the state developed the map after numerous pleas from avid mushroom hunters.