DWSD Discusses Rate Increase at Second Meeting
A Public Hearing Goes Over The Detroit Water and Sewage Department’s Second Rate Hike

The second public hearing for the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s proposed water hikes is being held today Wednesday. Spokesperson Greg Eno says the proposed rate hikes will make up for lost revenue.
He says cities in the region have recently been using less water than they predicted.
“The cities forecast how much water they are going to be using for an given fiscal year and that’s what they’re portion of the revenue pie is and if they fail to meet that goal, which a lot of cities have not been able to meet their projections, that creates a shortfall,” Eno says.
He says when there are shortfalls in the projections the department has to make up for that in its next budget.
The final hearing will take place March 11th at the Water Board Building in downtown Detroit.