Out of Character: Russell Taylor is Satori Circus

Performance artist Russell Taylor — AKA Satori Circus — continues to evolve his singular brand of performance art

Satori Circus

“I’m an anomaly. I started out doing it just to be anonymous, to separate Russ form this stage character that became Satori Circus.”

Russell Taylor, AKA Satori Circus

In 1988, Russell Taylor began a project to take theater and turn it upside down. That is when he became Satori Circus. Not quite a mime and not quite a clown, Satori Circus is equal parts audience provocation and semi-autobiographical performance art with everything from pantomime to dance to music. Taylor hooks up with WDET’s Travis Wright to talk about his undefinable take on performance and his upcoming show at the Tangent Gallery on June 12.

-Eli Newman, Culture City Associate Producer
