Detroit, Southeast Michigan Receives $100 Million Donation for Parks and Trails

Click the audio player above to listen to this conversation.  Courtesy of the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy Detroit’s West Riverfront Park...

Making Detroit the “Best Place to Raise a Family in One Generation”

The Detroit Children’s Fund is investing in a plan to overhaul education in the city. Executive Director Jack Elsey says...

New Book Explores What White, Well-Off Parents Are Really Teaching Their Kids About Race

Jake Neher/WDET Every day we see division in America -- which only seems to grow more entrenched in this political...

Detroit Students Mobility Creates Challenges for Their Education

Wikipedia Bridge Magazine, ChalkBeat and Outlier Media partnered to find out how often kids in Detroit change schools, and why...

Washington Post Investigation ‘Buried Under Bodies’ Looks at Homicides in Detroit

The Washington Post The Washington Post published a fascinating investigation this month into how caseloads for homicide detectives in major...

What’s the Deal With These Scooters — And Who Are They For?

Andy DiDorosi You may have heard about, seen, or even ridden on one of the many electric-powered scooters that have...

Detroit Offers Plan to Filter Tainted Public School Water

Members of Detroit’s Board of Education say they want more specifics before deciding whether to approve a plan to address...

Detroit Today Hosts Robust Conversation on Housing Insecurity in Final Book Club Event

Detroit Today is concluding its summer community read of Matthew Desmond's book "Evicted", a Pulitzer Prize winning look at poverty and housing insecurity....

Detroit Fights Lead, Copper in Public School Water

Public school students in Detroit have been facing a heat wave. And they’ve been finding that the water fountains near...

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha: “I Grew Up Knowing Exactly What Injustice Could Be”

Jake Neher/WDET The faces of the Flint Water Crisis are, of course, the people who were exposed to lead tainted...

DPSCD Shuts Off Water In All Schools

 Drinking water is being shut off at all Detroit public schools because the water in 16 of them was found...

Detroit Teen Writers to Share Work This Weekend

The Tuxedo Project This summer, The Tuxedo Project and Downtown Boxing Gym collaborated on a summer youth program that paired...