Professionals Raise Awarness of Homelessness by Sleeping in Cardboard Boxes

Young professionals are taking to the streets this week to help raise awareness for homeless children. The group plans to...

Michigan Congresswoman says Trump Now Better Aware of African-American Concerns

“He wasn’t rude. He wasn’t flippant. He listened. Some things you could tell he was hearing for the first time.”...

Writing About American Culture and Politics with Very Smart Brothas

A website called Very Smart Brothas discusses modern issues through a witty, intelligent, and decidedly black lens. With articles titled...

What Will Become of the Affordable Care Act?

Today members of the U.S. House of Representatives are expected to vote on a plan to repeal parts of Obamacare...

Planned Parenthood Loses Medicaid Funding Under Proposed Healthcare Legislation

Congress is scheduled to vote today on federal healthcare legislation. Analysts say the changes would shift a larger amount of...

Detroit Land Bank Executive Director to Step Down

Afries52/CC The Detroit Land Bank Authority, under investigation for problems with the program’s billing practices, is losing its executive director....

State Has Invested $30 Million Into Belle Isle Improvements

Three years after the State of Michigan assumed management of Belle Isle, managers say about $30 million has gone into...

Are We Headed to a Dark Age for American Science and Research?

President Donald Trump's budget proposal calls for major cuts to science and research, areas that have helped propel America to...

Ann Arbor Overtakes Detroit in Total Property Value

Jake Neher/WDET As recent as three years ago Detroit still had the highest total property value of any city in...

What Would Halt to Fuel Mandates Mean for Auto Industry?

President Donald Trump says it’s time to rethink America’s fuel economy mandates. He made that announcement during a visit to...

Trump Tells Autoworkers in Ypsilanti U.S. will Display ‘Manufacturing Might’

Jake Neher/WDET President Trump told a crowd of autoworkers at Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti that the Trump Administration will...

Michigan and Other Trump States Could Be Affected Most By GOP Healthcare Plan

Jake Neher/WDET Republicans backing a plan to overhaul federal healthcare policy received what seemed to be bad news this week...