Shame in the Public Domain: Jon Ronson’s New Book on Humiliation Culture is Hilarious and Horrifying

I was so pleased that Comedy Central stood by Trevor Noah ... because the most spineless people in my book are...

Detroit’s West Riverfront Park to Host Major Music Events this Summer

Courtesy of the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy The Detroit Riverfront Conservancy is bringing major music events to a new park this...

Culture City Calendar & Download of the Week

"Dissolve" by Absofacto Culture City favorite Absofacto dropped “Dissolve”  last week and it’s his hottest single yet. This week’s download sees Brooklyn-based...

Rock-n-Roll Don’t Quit

Andrea Sartorati/Creative Commons The Rolling Stones are going back on tour with a 71-year old Mick Jagger. Bob Dylan never...

New Dean Of UM Music, Arts, Theater: Students Need To Be Artists And Entreprenuers

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Aaron Dworkin, the founder of the Sphinx Organization, speaks with Stephen about his...

Rob Reinhart’s Essential Music: 3-28-15

Twin Shadow's newest, plus tickets to his upcoming Detroit show, more tickets for Belle & Sebastian, a Clapton song or...

Does Michigan State Stand A Chance In The NCAA Tournament?

Nick Meador Michigan State University is gearing up to play Oklahoma tonight, Wisconsin advanced to the Elite Eight after defeating UNC, and Kentucky crushed West...

The Jazz Master: Honoring Dr. Teddy Harris, Jr.

"He was the teacher. He was the guy who stayed in town, stayed in Detroit, and continued to nurture the talent."...

Zander the Great: Singer-Songwriter Zander Michigan on the Rise

"I want my music to convey this sense of confidence that I hope to always carry with me and I think...

Dearborn Historical Museum Looking to Grow Endowment

Courtesy of Dearborn Historical Museum Officials with the Dearborn Historical Museum are launching a campaign to help grow the institution’s...

Culture City Calendar & Download of the Week

"Wrapped in Plastic" by The HandGrenades (live @ WDET) The HandGrenades are one of the best straight-up rock bands in Detroit....

Heart Strung Pop: Inside Ryan Allen’s New Autobiographical Album

"It's not very rock n' roll to talk about having a kid, but I don't care." Ryan Allen Courtesy of...