Former WDET News Director Frank Joyce Celebrates Ed Love (And The USPS)
Frank Joyce worked with Ed at WDET during his tenure as News Director.

SUBMITTED BY: Frank Joyce, former WDET colleague and lifelong Ed Love listener
I can’t say enough about how important Ed Love has been for jazz everywhere, for Detroit and for WDET. Or what a treat it was for me to be at the station as News Director, during a part of Ed’s time there. Fortunately, I needn’t say more about that anyway as others have been so eloquent.
What I can do though is make a connection that is important in the extraordinary time in which we find ourselves. I can give a shout out to Ed and his long-time day job. USPS worker. Say it loud and say it proud. It is beyond sad, but alas not surprising, that Trumpism would take aim at the U.S. Postal Service. Since 1775 the postal service has been essential in holding us together. It’s not just about delivering mail, important as that is. It has, for several generations, been a source of stable union-represented employment and retirement for African Americans. The life of Ed Love is but one shining example of how that stability empowered so much great art and community building. Buck Hill the late great Washington D.C jazz saxophonist, known as the Wailin’ Mailman is another. There are many more throughout the arts.
Our nation will forever be enriched by their lives and legacies. Thank you Ed. Thank you USPS. Thank you WDET.