No Hurricanes, But Michiganders Should Still Fear Climate Change, Sen. Stabenow Says

“The good news is Michigan is really poised to lead the solutions,” says Stabenow.

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow at Mackinac Policy Conference in 2019.

Climate change has been in the headlines a lot lately. But what would it mean for us here in Michigan, home of the Great Lakes and many other natural treasures?

We don’t get the kind of hugely destructive weather events and natural disasters here that we see on the news more and more frequently in other parts of the world these days. But that doesn’t mean we’re immune from the effects of climate change — not by a long shot.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) released a new climate report this week that’s focused on Michigan and she joins us now to talk about it.

“We’re seeing the effects even more than other areas of the country,” Stabenow says on Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson.

“The good news is Michigan is really poised to lead the solutions,” she continues. “We are number one in the Midwest on clean energy jobs. We have to be serious and do the things we need to do to slow down carbon pollution. And that’s something that we can do, we’re innovators in Michigan.”

Stabenow also says she’s concerned about how the political climate will affect the global climate, saying Senate leadership seems unwilling to move major policy legislation of any kind right now. But she says there’s growing agreement and support — including among corporations in Michigan and elsewhere — that this is a crisis that needs to be addressed, and she hopes that will put pressure on lawmakers to act.

Click on the player above to hear Sen. Debbie Stabenow talk climate change on Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson.


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