Snap Judgement Host Glynn Washington On Growing Up In A White Supremacist Cult

Detroit, music, organic farming, religion, cults, Japan, law school. Glynn gets to it all.

Glynn Washington is the host of SNAP Judgement, the storytelling program from WNYC.

He stopped by Detroit Today to join host Stephen Henderson for a conversation about his life, and what brought him to public radio. 

Jake Neher, WDET

Glynn’s family moved from Detroit to a rural farm in the thumb region of Michigan, where he grew up in a white supremacist Christian cult. Eventually he left the cult and traveled the world… all before heading off to law school and stumbling into storytelling.

It’s a conversation you won’t want to miss.

Click the player above to hear Detroit Today’s interview with Glynn Washington.


  • Detroit Today
    Dynamic and diverse voices. News, politics, community and the issues that define our region. Hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Stephen Henderson, Detroit Today brings you fresh and perceptive views weekdays at 9 am and 7 pm.