The Song Remains (Mostly) the Same: DSO Takes on Led Zeppelin
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra performed the music of Led Zeppelin this week, complete with stand-ins for the famed rock group. The conductor says Zep’s music is a natural to showcase the power of an orchestra.

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra has featured music from a variety of composers.
But a bit different symphonic sound invaded Orchestra Hall this week.
It was the music of Led Zeppelin, backed by the DSO.

The conductor and arranger of the piece, Brent Havens, has produced dozens of shows incorporating orchestral music with the likes of Queen, Prince and Michael Jackson.
Havens also revealed some snazzy moves as he jumped into the crowd in Detroit during the classic Zep tune “Dancing Days.”
He says Led Zeppelin’s intricate-yet-bombastic songs are a natural to showcase what he calls “the power of an orchestra.”
Click the audio link above to hear the full interview with Brent Havens
Here’s an excerpt of the Led Zeppelin show featuring the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra: