Monday Is The Last Day to Register for the August 7 Primaries in Michigan
MichMash hosts Jake Neher and Cheyna Roth join Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson to talk about why you should sign up and vote.

Monday, July 9, is the last day to register to vote in the August 7th primary elections in Michigan. And there is a lot at stake in these primaries.
Democrats and Republicans will choose their nominees for governor, congressional and legislative races, and a lot of other state, federal, and local positions.
Stephen Henderson talks about the importance of these primaries with Detroit Today producer Jake Neher and Michigan Public Radio Network state Capitol reporter Cheyna Roth. Neher and Roth are co-hosts of WDET’s weekly series MichMash.
The series breaks down statewide issues and explains why they matter to you. Their latest edition of MichMash explores the primaries and the power of your vote in August.
Neher notes fewer than 20 percent of people old enough to vote actually show up to vote in these primaries in Michigan in a typical year. That means 80 percent of the voting age population usually sits out.
Roth says that’s a shame, given that primaries offer more choices and your vote carries more weight in these races due to the low turnout.
MichMash airs on WDET Fridays at 4:45 p.m. during All Things Considered, and on Sunday mornings during Weekend Edition.
Click on the audio player above to hear Neher and Cheyna talk about it on Detroit Today.