Blue Wave, Shmoo Wave… This Professor Says Liberal Smugness Hurts Dem Chances This Fall

“The ways that (liberals) use their platforms can be off-putting to their audiences,” says UVA professor Gerard Alexander.

Jake Neher/WDET

Democrats are hoping for a big blue wave this fall. One that will sweep them into power in Congress and stem the power of President Donald Trump.

But – are they doing the things they need to do, and striking the right tone, to convince voters to make that happen?

At least one political observer says no.

Gerard Alexander, a professor of political science at the University of Virginia, says too many liberals are smug and dismissive in the way they talk about politics, and the president in particular.

Alexander says liberal arrogance could produce its own backlash.

In a New York Times op-ed written in May, Alexander said that liberals’ belief that they’re smarter than everyone else actually plays to the intentions of those who’d like to see President Trump, and republicans, keep power.

Gerard Alexander joins Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson to speak further about his op-ed and what he means by liberal arrogance.

“I think there are liberals who think of conservatives as living in their own bubble,” Alexander says. “I do think that there are liberals…who really do forget just how much, you know, intelligent, informed opinion there is out there that differs from their own educated, informed opinions about things.” 

“The ways that (liberals) use their platforms can be off-putting to their audiences.” 

Click on the audio player above for the full conversation. 



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