Democrats Try Again to Repeal Michigan’s Right to Work Law

Five years ago, Michigan’s Republican-led Legislature made Right to Work the law of the state.

Jake Neher/WDET

Democratic lawmakers are trying once again to repeal the Michigan’s “Right to Work” law.

Five years ago, a Republican-led Legislature made Right to Work the law of the state. It prohibits contracts that make union membership a condition of employment.

Democrats say letting people opt out of unions gives them a free ride to the benefits of the union.

State Sen. Hoon-Yung Hopgood (D-Taylor) is a bill sponsor. He said strong unions are important to Michigan, but Right to Work diminishes the power of unions and reduces the number of members.

“This is something that offends I think just the very nature of us as Michiganders,” he said.

Another bill sponsor, state Sen. Steve Bieda (D-Warren), said they want to repeal the law because, “It impacts working families, it impacts the ability to have a decent salary and wage for thousands of individuals – millions of individuals – across the state.”

Supporters of Right to Work say it brings fairness and equality to all workers. They say workers should have the right to choose if they want to be in a union or not.

The bills went to Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof’s (R-West Olive) committee. Meekhof was a bill sponsor of the Right to Work legislation and doesn’t support the effort to repeal it.

You can learn more about SB 724 and SB 725 on the Legislature’s website.


  • Cheyna Roth
    Cheyna has interned with Michigan Radio and freelanced for WKAR public radio in Lansing. She's also done some online freelancing and worked on documentary films.