ACLU Seeks Release of Iraqi Detainees
“ICE has not only thrown these Iraqis in jail, but ICE has thrown away the key,” says attorney Miriam Aukerman.

The ACLU has asked a federal judge to release hundreds of Iraqis who are being detained by immigration authorities.
The detainees face deportation for crimes, many committed years ago.
They’ve lived in the country lawfully since their convictions, and reported regularly to immigration officials before they were detained.
Miriam Aukerman is an ACLU attorney. She says the detainees have been held for as long as five months without ever seeing a judge.
“In America, no one should be locked up for months or years without a hearing to determine if their detention is even justified,” said Aukerman.
“And there’s absolutely no reason why they should be incarcerated. ICE has not only thrown these Iraqis in jail, but ICE has thrown away the key.”
She says the detainees should be allowed to return to work and live with their families for the months or years it will take to resolve their cases.