Auto No-Fault Overhaul Sees Resurgence in State Legislature

Republicans have been trying for years to scale back the coverage for catastrophic car crash victims.

Michigan State Capitol Night 1-16-2017

Jake Neher/WDET

The state Legislature is resurrecting legislation to end mandatory, unlimited medical benefits for car crash victims. 

Proponents of the current system say the law makes sure victims are taken care of. But Republicans have been trying for years to scale back the coverage for catastrophic car crash victims.

State Rep. Jason Sheppard (R-Temperance) introduced legislation on the issue. It would, among other things, let consumers pick their levels of coverage. Right now, the law requires that all medical costs for catastrophic car crash injuries are covered for a lifetime.

“I think it’s a good starting point for us to start talking about,” Sheppard said. “Because, we pick our levels of insurance in every aspect of our life. Homeowners to our health insurance so why not do it with our auto insurance?”

House Speaker Tom Leonard (R-DeWitt) says an auto no-fault overhaul is, “One of the biggest issues facing the state” and it is a top priority for his party this session. 


  • Cheyna Roth is the co-host and creator of WDET's state politics podcast, MichMash. She has been an audio journalist for almost a decade, covering major events like presidential elections, college scandals, the Michigan Legislature and more, appearing on NPR and across Michigan public radio stations. Cheyna is also a senior producer and podcast host for, having produced and hosted shows like Political Gabfest, The Waves, and What Next TBD. Also an author, Cheyna has written two true crime books and her written work has appeared in Broadly, Slate, and MLive, among others.