New Detroit Red Wings Arena Contracts Will Go to Detroit Businesses
Small Detroit firms and Detroiters will have opportunity to work on the new Red Wings arena, says Olympia rep .

Stephen Henderson talks with Doug Diggs, president of Heritage Development Services, about the Olympia Development contract outreach event for the new Red Wings arena held today (Tuesday) at the Motor City Casino.
- Commitment to Detroit and Michigan: Diggs says the Ilitch family is committed to hiring Detroit and Michigan companies. He says Chris Ilitch made it very clear that if out-of-state firms want to work on the project, they must partner with Detroit-based firms to do so.
- Olympia Development event: Diggs says that the Olympia event today is about many of the smaller contracts for the stadium, such as drywall, doors, landscaping, and acoustical treatments.
- 51% Detroiter goal: A caller says that Detroit-based businesses are not necessarily hiring Detroiters or connecting to communities, so she does not know if hiring Detroit firms is important. Diggs says that each company that makes a bid for a contract on the project has to present a plan to hire at least 51% Detroiters to work on the project. He says that due to skilled trade limitations, this goal might not be possible for every contract, but companies must try to reach it.
- No dearth of Detroit resources: Diggs says there is no dearth of qualified businesses in Detroit. He says the key is for businesses to know what opportunities are coming their way, and to partner with other firms if necessary to participate in the project.
Click the audio link above to hear the full conversation.