Boon or Boondoggle? The Pros and Cons of Proposal 1 [Download Ballot Language]
Pat Batcheller talks with both sides.

On Tuesday, May 5, Michigan residents will decide whether to raise the state’s sales tax from six percent to seven percent. But that’s not all Proposal 1 would do. It would also increase fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees, generating more than $1 billion in new revenue to fix roads and bridges. It would devote more sales tax revenue to the School Aid Fund and restore the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income residents. All this week, WDET is examining the pros and cons of Proposal 1 and the condition of Michigan’s roads. WDET’s Pat Batcheller spoke with Roger Martin of Safe Roads Yes, which supports the ballot issue. He says it does raise some money for transportation needs besides the roads. On the other side, Randall Thompson of the Coalition Against Higher Taxes and Special Interest Deals says Proposal 1 is bad public policy, because it goes beyond roads.
Here is how Proposal 1 will appear on the May 5 ballot. You can read, print, and download it below.