Ulysses S. Grant’s Former Detroit Home is Moving
The building will move to make room for development on the State Fairgrounds.

A home U-S President Ulysses S Grant lived in while he was stationed by the military in Detroit is moving from its spot on the State Fairgrounds. It won’t be the first time. The building has already been relocated twice from its original site on Fort Street. Michigan Historical Center Director Sandra Clark says the house is the first place Grant lived with his wife.
“In the late 1840s he was stationed in Detroit, so it’s an interesting time in terms of Detroit’s history. It’s probably one of the older houses in Michigan, and now with the closing and the sale of the State Fairgrounds, it needs a new home.”
Clark says, most likely, the building will be moved to a school near Eastern Market, and be opened to the public. She expects the house to find its new home before the end of the summer.