Health Care Failure Entirely Trump’s Fault, says Michigan GOP PR Specialist

“I have maintained from the beginning he never wanted to be president in the first place.”

Jake Neher/WDET

Between the stalled status of the Republican’s healthcare bill, the feuding between President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the somber news of Sen. John McCain’s health, and the recent turn in Michigan’s 2018 race for governor, the news this week has been vast and noteworthy.  

Matt Resch of Resch Strategies — a political public relations firm in Lansing — joins Stephen Henderson on Detroit Today to spar over the weeks news. Resch also served as spokesperson for former Republican Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus.

Resch says the failure to make headway with the healthcare plan epitomizes the broken promises that led Trump to office.

He says this is going to make it hard for Republicans who are running in the in 2018 midterm elections.  

“The president can say this isn’t on him — I put this entirely on him,” Resch says. “He has not spent a single minute since January 20th trying to articulate what a healthcare solution looks like.” 

In the wake of Sen. McCain’s cancer diagnosis, Resch talks about the senator as one of the few heroes and statesmen we will see for a while, referring heavily to his time in the military and the perils of war he faced. 

Resch and Henderson also discuss Michigan’s 2018 gubernational race. Resch refers to Democratic candidate Gretchen Whitmer as “Hillary Clinton without the experience.”  

Click on the audio player above to hear the full conversation. 


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